2 Ways of Updating/Deleting the bulk data from the table

Being a developer of DB2 LUW, I had written many Migration scripts where I needed to perform data manipulation on bulk data. Most known problem for such operations on bulk data is that most of the time we face transaction log full problem:

“SQL0964C The transaction log for the database is full”

This problem occurs frequently when the amount of data is huge. For example, consider a performance database or production database table having millions of customers and we need to manipulate all the customer data for some value.

To resolve this problem, DBAs usually configure the database parameters such as LOGBUFSZ, LOGFILSIZ, LOGPRIMARY and LOGSECOND. This approach is trail and error approach where we need to set the particular values and try for the operations.

But along with this, over the time I learned ways to perform such bulk operations using the PL/SQL operations.

Note: I use the sample database while providing the example. These examples are just for reference and can be used in different scenarios. For SAMPLE database, we don’t need to use these methods since the data is very low there.

1) Update n records at a time using GET DIAGNOSTICS:

We can write a stored procedure Where inside while Loop we can use the update statement in little different way as follows:

WHILE nCount <> 0
   UPDATE (SELECT * FROM Trnsct_tab WHERE isUpdated = 0 FETCH FIRST 10000 ROWS ONLY) SET Transactky = pmtlineitemky;

In above example, After every 10000 records COMMIT operation will be performed and the transaction log will get cleared. I used 10000 records at a time. We can use any number depending on our environment and parameter values.

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Posted by on June 6, 2014 in Databases, DB2


[ SQL2216N] REORG Failure – “Error Code ‘-968’ while reorganization of the database”

I observed this issue recently when I was monitoring the output of the shell script that performs REORG and RUNSTATS operation periodically on all the tables of our UAT database.

We perform continuous performance tests on our application. Therefore, periodic REORG and RUNSTATS becomes mandatory for better performance.

When I found error in the output file, I observed that for the couple of high cardinality tables the REORG operation failed with the following error message:

SQL2216N Error Code ‘-968’ while reorganization of the database

One of such table was having 8.5 millions rows with 170 columns including couple of CLOB columns. For such huge tables, records were getting inserted during every transaction and it was getting bigger and bigger after every performance test.

With such large tables in place, file system was almost FULL and FAILURES increased at an alarming rate while testing.

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Posted by on May 14, 2014 in Databases, DB2


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#DB2-9 The DB2Night Show #131: DB2’s GOT TALENT Grand Finale!

This post is reference to my presentation in the Grand Finale of DB2’s Got Talent 2014 at DB2Night Show season. This was my last presentation in this season and the show theme was DB2 Success Story. I have selected one of my favourite topic i.e. Federated Database Performance. I have been working on the Federated setup since last 1.5 years. I faced many performance issues on production for which resolutions were difficult that is the reason I spent most of my time in searching and learning different ways for performance improvement in such distributed systems. I had given the presentation on Federated Query performance before on The DB2Night Show #128. This one is the extension of my previous presentation. You can check out the Federation basics and recap of the Episode #128 presentation at this link.

I discussed how distributed data across multiple databases can be accessed using the Federated database systems. Also specified the components of the federation like wrappers, servers, nicknames etc. Here are the few steps to setup the federated database.

LIBRARY ‘libdb2net8.a’ ;

CREATE SERVER ora_server TYPE oracle

SERVER ora_server

CREATE NICKNAME ora_emp FOR ora_server.scott.emp;

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Posted by on April 15, 2014 in Databases, DB2, db2nightshow


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#DB2-8 The DB2Night Show #130: DB2’s GOT TALENT Top 7 Finalists Compete!

This post is based on the Multi-Temperature Storage Management Feature Introduced in DB2 10.1. I presented this topic at DB2Night Show on March 21, 2014. The theme for this episode was Storage. Since I am obsessed with the new fabulous features introduced in this version, without any second thought I chose this topic for this round of Finale.

This episode decided our progression for the Grand Finale and fortunately based on votes I qualified for the Grand Finale.
Here is the quick overview of the Multi-Temperature Storage Management Feature.

Storage Groups:

Storage groups are the logical groupings of the automatic storage paths. The storage paths grouped by a particular are identified by the same storage path characteristics like latency, overhead, transfer-rate etc. Once the storage group is created the, we can assign the Automatic Storage tablespaces to the respective storage group. This association of the tablespaces with the storage group is completely dynamic and we can change it whenever required. Here is the visual illustration of how storage groups are formed.





Multi-Temperature Storage Management:

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Posted by on April 8, 2014 in Databases, DB2, db2nightshow


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#DB2-7 The DB2Night Show #129: DB2’s GOT TALENT Top 9 Finalists Compete

This post is based on one of the ‘Index Jump Scan‘ – one of the terrific feature introduced in DB2 10.1. I presented the topic at DB2NightShow Finals-2. The theme for this episode was ‘DB2 Performance’ and I found this topic at the right time.
This was actually a courageous decision of presenting this topic in front of the Scott – one of the pioneer of this topic.
Still I tried my best to introduce the community with this topic and present a comparative study of the scenario without and with the Index Jump Scan. Here is the quick summary of my presentation.

Index Gap:
Being a DBA I always worked on the long ad-hoc queries which has been written for the reporting tools like actuate reports and Birt reports. It is always painful to tune these queries because of the number of predicate conditions and the composite indexes already designed on the tables involved in such queries. Frankly speaking my face used to be turned down when developers asked me to tune such a long queries for which I need to scroll my editor. 😉
Ideally query predicates should be consistent with that of the composite index on the column. For e.g

           from EMPLOYEE where FIRSTNME=’CHRISTINE’
          and MIDINIT=‘I’ and LASTNAME=‘HAAS’;

I1:  create index EMPLOYEE_ID1 on EMPLOYEE

I have query Q1 in which WHERE condition is specified on the columns FIRSTNME, MIDINIT and LASTNAME. For optimal performance I created a composite index I1 on combination of these columns. Such queries where the query predicates are consistent with that of the columns in the composite indexes such queries are said to be consistent. Such queries will provide optimal performance.
Unfortunately, this is not the case in most of the application scenarios. Queries are in-consistent with that of the composite indexes. Following is the sample example of the in-consistent queries.


Predicates of the query Q2 are not consistent with index I1 since column MIDINIT is not there in the WHERE clause.
In such case the query is said to be in-consistent and it is said to have Index Gap. In our example, we are having the index gap for query Q2 on MIDINT column.

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Posted by on April 1, 2014 in Databases, db2nightshow


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#DB2-6 The DB2Night Show #128: DB2’s GOT TALENT Top 10 Finalists Compete

This post is based on ‘Performance Tuning in Federated systems‘ presentation in DB2’s Got Talent 2014 at db2nightshow. This was my first presentation on federated systems. I worked closely on the federated systems so I wanted to share my experience with all the db2 community. Since there were too many things to tell I ran very fast while talking but overall I took it very good at the end. Here is an overview of Performance Tuning in Federated Systems.

What is Federation ?

1. Federation allows the users and applications to access the data from more than one RDBMS in the single           requests.

2. Its a special type of distributed database management system that allows the distributed request across            the multiple databases at the same time.

3. Federation consists of a DB2 instance, a database or federated database and one or more remote                     databases of same or different type. I work on the federated system with ORACLE as a remote data                  source in the federation.

How Federation Works:


Application can communicate with Federated server with any supported interface like JDBC or ODBC etc.

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Posted by on March 23, 2014 in db2nightshow


#DB2-5 DB2Night Show #125: DB2’s GOT TALENT Contestant Search #2

This article is based on the “Online Tablespace Migration Using ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Procedure” presentation for the The DB2Night Show #125: DB2’s GOT TALENT Contestant Search #2 held on Friday, 14th February 2014. I made it through the qualifying round but frankly speaking it was heavy competition out there in the Round 1 itself. Total 7 ideas presented and all of them had done their job extremely well. 3 of us – Michael, Raja and myself got a chance to present into the finals and rest of the contestants got chance to present again on 28th February 2014. Here are few outlines of my presentation in Round 1.

Table with more than 100K records needs to be migrated from 8K tablespace to 16K with minimum downtime and minimum risk of data loss.

I found out that to resolve this problem we have two possible solutions
In this we need to export all the data and then drop the table and re-create the table in new tablespace and re-create the constraints,indexes, views and MQTs referring to that table. And for the DB2 versions prior to DB2 9.7, probably this is the only solution we have.

But here are few Bottlenecks:
a. Migration needs to be OFFLINE.
b. There is always a risk of data loss.
Regarding data loss, I have this experience on our UAT environment. Since we have constraints on our disk space on database server. Developer executed the script by this method and due to disk space only half of the records got exported and those many only imported into the new table which cause a real trouble for me at work. 😦
So to avoid such mishaps, there is another way to all those who are using DB2 versions 9.7 and higher.

Here are the steps how this will work.
a. Drop MQTs, referential constraints and Views referencing the subject table.
b. Migrate the table to 16K tablespace using SYSPROC.ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE procedure.
c. Re-create the MQTs, referential constraints and Views.

Schema for this routine is SYSPROC.

db2 “CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE (<schemaname>, <tablename> , <data_tbsp>, <index_tbsp>,
<lob_tbsp>, <mdc_col_list>, <hash_key_list>,<range_part_key_list>, <column-definitions>,<options-list>,’MOVE’)”

For online tablespace migration we can ignore the few input parameters and pass them as NULL. Here is sample example:

—db2 “CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE (<schemaname>, <tablename>, <data_tbsp>, <index_tbsp>, <lob_tbsp>, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL , <options-list>,’MOVE’)”

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Posted by on March 15, 2014 in DB2


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#DB2-4 DB2NightShow – Delicious Dinner For Fridays

This post is about my experience at db2nightshow as a participant for DB2’s Got Talent 2014. I am into the finals of the contest and my journey ahead solely depends on the votes of DB2 Lovers all over the World. Check out my presentations of DB2’s Got Talent at the DB2 Night Show Replays and vote me and my friends to move ahead. Here is my experience and thoughts on db2nightshow and DB2’s Got Talent contest.

The day I came to know about this show, I never miss a single episode of it. New Ideas, New concepts, new technologies…this is what db2nightshow is all about. It’s a perfect training place for any newbie in the world of DB2. Here we meet new people,experts in the DB2 World. I met many such experts like @ember_crooks @srhayes @MKrafick @susvis @klaas_brant and many more.

I came across this wonderful show when I was hunting for one of my issue on Online Tablespace Migration and guess what I got the gem.  You won’t believe but the db2nightshow changed my routine on weekends at some point. I am a big lazy man and love sleeping on the weekends unlike all. But When I came to know about this, every weekend I spend in watching all my pending episodes of db2nightshow and I hope I will complete the backlog very soon. One more change in me is I am getting Twitter addicted instead of Facebook..Hahaha

Diverse topics, Limited words but Precise solutions, interactive graphics while presentation these are the stuffs that impressed me a lot. And yes miss one important thing- Scott’s commentary. He makes the show soo interactive and watchful. Thanks to Scott for hosting such an amazing show. I like the tag line of the db2nightshow: Educate – Inform – Entertain.

Every year db2nightshow conducts a DB2 Olympics called DB2’s Got Talent. I participated in the Contest this year and happy to be a part of this contest. I enjoyed many presentations on DB2 Performance, DB2 Utilities, Many unknown topics for me like Column masking, Temporal Tables etc. I presented at the show twice once during the qualification round on Online Tablespace Migration Using ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE utility and in the first round of Finals on Query Tuning in the Federated Systems. Along with the DB2, I learned many more things here in this Olympics of DB2 like presenting your point precisely in limited time of 4 minutes, how to improve the presentation skills. Helpful comments by expert judges always help us to improve the presentation and present a good show next time. Typical comments on topic contents, presentation graphics is going to help not only in the finals of the contest but at many more incidents coming in my future. The most important part I loved after presenting any presentation at db2nightshow is the most wonderful comments and the analysis by Ember on every presentation of the episode on – Big Warehouse of the DB2.

I am not sure what’s gonna happen in the upcoming Finals of the contest but I am going to give my best try everytime and whatever are the results I am going to be here again and again. I like the t-shirt of Mariana @db2nightshow. It’s tag line is – KEEP CALM AND USE IBM DB2. I love db2nightshow and Love IBM DB2. I will come up with more details about the topics I presented in coming posts.

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Posted by on March 8, 2014 in Memoir


#DB2-3 The current transaction was rolled back because of error “-430”. SQLCODE=-1476, SQLSTATE=40506,DRIVER=3.51.90

Few days back during Load Testing on performance environment I came across one issue. The issue was as follows:

When I connect to the application then initially it works fine. But in performance environment as the number of users connecting to the applications
increases at one point all the connections got terminated giving the following error:

com.s1.arch.persistence.exception.PersistenceException: The current transaction was rolled back because of error “-430”.. SQLCODE=-1476, SQLSTATE=40506, DRIVER=3.51.90

Environment Details:
IBM InfoSphere Federation Server with IBM DB2 9.7 FP6

In this case the federated tables are not being able to access through nicknames.While searching out for this
I came across the following possible causes that might be responsible for this situation:

1. The Temporary Tablespace might be full.
2. The application Heap might got full because of which application was unable to process the sql statements.

But both these was not the cause since temporary tablespace was system managed and the APP_HEAP was AUTO-RESIZE.
Tablespace can be cross-verified using the syscat.tablespaces and APP_HEAP was checked in the database configuration parameters.
When I delved more into db2diag.log, I came to know about the actual cause behind this.
The issue was that the resources memory used by the processes was very low.
Due to limited resources db2fmp process was unable to create the new db2fmp thread which were causing the db2fmp unstable.
Because of which we were unable to login to the application after sometime.

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Posted by on February 26, 2014 in DB2


#ORACLE-1 Steps For Manual Database Creation for Oracle

This is my first post for oracle. I am learning it and here is the very basic work Creation Of Oracle Database. Ohh God So much of Work..!! I always miss at least some of it. 😛

DB2 database creation is way simpler than the oracle one.

So documenting steps I followed for the database creation:

Follow the following steps

1. Prepare the pfile File:-

    a. When an Oracle Instance is started, the characteristics of the Instance are established by parameters          specified within the initialization parameter file. These initialization parameters are either stored in a PFILE or    SPFILE. We commonly refer it as the INIT.ORA file. Specifically  I used the PFILE for my database creation.

    b. In pfile path for the parameters like control_file,db_recovery_file_dest,audit_file_dest,diagnostic_dest etc is     mentioned. During the manual db creation we need to manually create these paths as mentioned in pFile.

2. Setting the environment:-
Set the Oracle instance environment by exporting the ORACLE_SID,ORACLE_HOME etc.
e.g. : export ORACLE_SID=

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Posted by on November 21, 2013 in Oracle


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